To promote the sustainable development of economy and environment

Contact Us

IEEPA Headquarter

北京办公室:北京市东城区建国门内大街 18 号 恒基中心第 1 办公楼 14 层

广东办公室:珠海市香洲区前河北路 988 号铂瑞湾 2 号楼金石国际大厦 29 层

电话:+86 10 6402 9177

传真:+86 10 6518 1169


Information Requests

If you have an information request, please title it “Public Information Policy Request” and submit it through one of the following channels:

Mail: 16th & 14th Floor, Office Tower 1, Henderson Center, No. 18, Jianguomennei Ave., Dongcheng Dist., Beijing 100005, China

Fax: +86 10 6518 1169
